Contest Results!

By Frail

Everyone's entries were beautiful, but we can only have 3 winners. It's upsetting to me I cannot fit more of these beautiful artworks but these are some amazing artworks that didn't make it to the top 3: I really love how this piece both combines gender swapping and color swapping with bright colors and the subtle effect from the lineart. The animation of staggered handwriting and the flip of the characters makes this piece very interesting to watch. The style of this piece is amazingly beautiful with clean lines and smooth colors. The loop is very smooth and satisfying to watch the characters with the inverted colors and line art of the inverted. This piece is very smooth and cute with the character growing into the other, the style is very pleasing to look at and the coloring is very smooth. I love the detailed strands of the hair and explanations of the personalities of these 2 characters, the background really compliments these characters. I love the split compositions and inverted backgrounds of this piece and the 2 very different poses of the characters. Everyone above send a ref for a doodle of your character :D Now for the top 3… 3nd Beautiful artwork! The Animation loops with audio that really matches the piece. The colors are gorgeous with the background and they are pure inversions of each other. This piece is very beautiful but the artwork was in the works for the contest beforehand so I'm putting it in 3rd place. Send a ref or request :D 2nd Very detailed! The background and colors surprisingly work very well for this piece. The text in the background paired with the chaotic visuals and detail of the character pop! All the textures of shading and the background make this artwork very visually stimulating and beautiful, thats why I'm putting it in 2nd! Send a ref or request :D Drumroll please… 1st !! This piece really stood out to me with the shading and I like the idea of the genderswap. The colors work really well together and the background pulls all of it together. The specks of dust and the shines through the tree really help the environment they are in. Send a ref or request of what you would like for your animation! :D Congrats to the winners and thank you for entering!! :D lag sorry ill get trophies given))

  • Published December 15, 2021, 14:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Hosted Contests
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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