

I've been super stressed out lately, probably having a lot of built up stress since October and today it all kinda flooded me at once to the point I believe I got a panic attack? (I was hyperventilating and getting seriously light headed). My mom helped me out after I asked her kinda panickly about it and I'm doing okay right now but I may be inactive to try and destress and kinda deflate a bit so I don't have another panic attack anytime soon. This happened maybe 40 minutes ago for reference. I always love doing aggies with you guys and collaberations but I may just do what I'm comfortable with for awhile just to ensure I don't get panicked up again (you guys don't make me anxious its just an extra procaution so I don't feel overworked)

  • Published February 28, 2021, 18:52
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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