She knew I watch anime, but she only thought I watched Naruto. Ok here is the story.
I was bored and said to my mom "Hey, let's watch some tv" So she went TO MY NETFLIX ACCOUNT, where all my animes are. She saw all my anime. She hovered over Seven Deadly Sins, which is in my list(I'm gonna watch it soon) and i was like holy fuk that's not exactly a pg anime. She saw Death Note and EVEN CLICKED ON IT. I was in total freakout mode. I was terrified that she would ban me from anime and change my account to a kids account so that all I could watch is Glitter Force and Little Witch Academia. Hmph. Nothing happened, she just said, "You watch a lot of weird stuuf" and clicked Nailed It. PHEW. I was embarrassed and nervous the entire time. pray for me that my anime privileges dont go away