so like


it would be really funny if we started a Brody quest esque trend on drawn with a funny little guy just traveling everywhere on drawn. thats just me rambling. anyways onto the main part of the post. Hi! It's me! You all currently know me as Cam and junk but here's the thing, I now have a new persona and a new name, So let me do this intro again but in a different style and also an intro to me if you never read my bio and junk. *AHEM* Hi! It's me! My name is June! I am a 15 year old trans woman doing art and junk. I realize that It's weird for me to be making this post because I am supposed to be dead and junk. But I realize that I may be a bit more active here because I like to draw here and I like to talk about my life in shit posts, So with that I have made a new account to start mildly fresh and not use a username that uses my past name in the username to not confuse anyone. So if you want to see me further on follow @June here on this site and junk.

  • Published February 27, 2022, 22:53
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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