HGRUGRGYRURYRU IM GOING TO CRY quick thanks to @Anadroj-B-J for putting all my works in places other than Kiddie Pool and making me Sushi.. I'm like 99% sure that it was them... so thank you.. this means a lot 🍣 HGRYUY UM WHERE DO I BEGIN OH YEAH 1st: pls dont put this in swamp, this is an announcement about smthin im super excited about and I never had the time to make a serious drawing cus this was so unexepcted um,, yes pls keep it in KP. for now, at least. 2nd: THANK YOU ALL... I- I want to cry but my parents would start to get sus like "cHILD YUO OKAY WHY YOU CRYING CHILD TELL ME WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TELL ME I CARE ABOUT YOU TELL ME NOW GRRR" but i mean thats not my point my point is that i'm so grateful to everyone who liked my stuff and told me I was ready for the Sushi rank. I, quite frankly, was not ready, but damn this happened like.. really soon. I've been on this site for... mm, 2-3 months?? I dont know ;A; but this was really quick... i appreciate it so much- Just... endless thanks. I love you all and all your support has been so appreciated ;; I'll leave it at that or i'll just stop rambling, and I know none of you want to sit through that haha so you're welcome :) 3rd: SPEAKING OF THINGS BEING UNEXPECTEDLY FUCKING FAST- UHM ;A;" I also reached like 59 followers I think? I can't check right now but I think it's that. I... wow. Im moved to know so many people on here think that my art is likable, more so FOLLOWABLE (haha i did a punny, get it?). Just.. this means so much. With the amount of users on here, that's a lot to me. Especially with how fast that I've gotten them. Man, just... thank you thakn you tHANK YOU Last but not least: thanks to all of my friends on here who've been supporting me!! Even for the short couple of months i've been here so far, you guys have stuck with me and I've really been able to get close and get to know some of you, and I appreciate it so much. So, to name a few special people to me, here they are. I look up to some of these people too. I may not exactly be close to them, but I looked up to them while I began on here, so thanks so much! @Hoodie @Starmoonlight @Star-The-Meergon @Bruizer @satansassgremlin @Nightblade @hujie @GoldenScales @Grimpus ahh I think that is all! I'll add more if i forgot anyone qwq Man.. thanks everyone I- *sobs* this isn't in any particular order, I'm just listing ppl at the top of my headdd aaA JUST MAN TTHANK YOU,, GRBFGHRGFE I DONT THINK I HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY OH since i am now sushi, i'll try and do a tip jar maybe? OOH it could be for actually funding my project! Or commissions?? aaa i have so many ideas qwq... i think I'm getting to energetic sorry haha I'm just so hyper and bubbly with this sudden news i dont know anymore fhrbfhrbgfer gahh thank you all for reading! I appreciate it. Oh, and if you're wondering, the project I'm talking about is this: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/tb8i0k It's also the drawing that got me into the Sushi rank so it's even more special to me at this point xD Okkk thats all... i'll stop my gei rambling nooWWWW bye bye!! have a nice day!! thank you all endlessly!! here take some rainbows and sushi in appreciation 🍣🍣🌈💫✨ weeEEEEEE i feel high ty all 🍣💫

  • Published January 07, 2021, 23:20
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in my shiz
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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