Rejects Returns


Hello people of drawn who decided to enter The Rejects project, as you may know, school has started for some of us and its been an absolute pain the ass. NOW! I am currently switching schools at this very moment, so I am off and on about living and stuff(and i mean on here X3) now for that matter, I am currently working on the people who entered their art for The Rejects. Since I am lazy, its gonna be awhile till i have everyone's Rejects completely finished and I am still gonna do it paper cause its just easier for me so keep an eye out for a new Reject post for either news of the actually deal. Im HOPING to get them down around my birthday (February) but you never know what this stupid Covid might put on us. But im glad to say that I've found time to get this done UwU

  • Published November 18, 2020, 12:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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