By Chargy

Hello people, its been a while since i've done one of these...
Im going to be very straight foward, there aint going to be a prize for this 'Contest', but, i'll be going to take a look on your art-skill levels, ignoring your reputation or whoever you actually are, this is just you and the effort you pour into the drawing.

As i mentioned before, there aint going to be a prize for this 'Contest', but yet there'll be a need of rules, so, here they are;

1, Once you've finished your drawing, hide it from the 'Featured' area, and post it here.
2, to post your drawing you'll need to mention me in the comments, and a link to your drawing aswel..
3, To make so that people cant see how you've managed to draw, either the way you've drawn, you'll need to make 2 frames of the same artwork, and therefor, make the animation non-continuable.
4, Have fun.

So, for this 'Contest', i'll be giving an exact theme, which will be Cinderella, to be more specific, the Pumpking-Carriage shown in the 1951'S Film.
You can do anything that will be related to the carriage, as i mentioned, you're supposed to give YOUR DRAWING the effort you'd wish to give, and you're also MEANT TO HAVE FUN, so there wont be any more specifications other than the Theme and the Vehicle (The Pumpkin' Carriage).

This contest will only get Closed til the 31th of this month, so you people will have plenty of time to think of something.

Well, this is my calling, i'll be going off for now, good luck!

  • Published Published August 25, 2020, 18:45
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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