I'm so tired and I got like 7 hours of sleep something silly is happening Maybe I'll color this idk I made sure I didn't use the eraser tool so if I merge the lower layer for tweening it won't show up as white on top I'm also almost done with that one animation I promised that I would animate, I know it's been a year but I was just out of it So I got motivation this past week to work on it Anyways Miau https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1201933096274890875/1241199066105516053/image.png?ex=664f42f5&is=664df175&hm=5533d070226dae50052495cb7553dfffb150bb52307b333c02ce445f6d5661fd&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=759&height=671