Im thinking full out comics, this part is for the community last part is for clayton DEAR PEOPLE OF DRAWN: LETS MAKE SOME COMIC TEMPLATES! And people can continue them and make cool comics and stuff :o like 1 frame comic thingies This ones for clayton: Maybe adding something to make comics easier,,, such as a series thing!! Like you can put stuff in their own folders -this works for animations too- but you can add another thing under folder that says "series" and maybe select one, and if there is no series selected it doesn't show up f0r a viewer? - it does for owner of anim- I think that would make things easy,, so someone can separate animated episodes into animated folders,, but drawn episodes into drawing/art folders and not have like 50 folders 1 for each series lmao

  • Published February 24, 2021, 19:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 4) 2021
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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