oog (


you know that feeling when you do something and you find an easy way out of it, you do it and then you get called out on it but when you get called out, instead of just saying it like "why did you do this" its "I know you cheated or I know you didn't actually do that since you dont deserve it" with a tone which kills me and all you can think about is how STUPID you are and how much you want to DIE. It's even worse when you get called out by someone and then it spreads and you get called out by lots of people. -------------------------------------------------------------- You know when you say the wrong thing in an argument... you say the wrong thing and it haunts you for weeks because all you want to do is say "I'm sorry" but your too stupid to do it. I have so many more things I want to just let out ;-; from anyone else's point of view I probably sound like a self-centered idiot or just stupid.

  • Published September 12, 2019, 03:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in kill me
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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