The Ice Man Cometh


My first 100% original OC. I'm actually really proud. Name: Kori Age: 19 Eye color: Blue Hair color: White Status: Undead Description: After being killed, via hole in his chest, a mad scientist robbed his grave and experimented on him. This brought him back to life with an interesting ability, the ability to freeze anything. By bringing his body temperature down to absolute zero he can create ice and and turn anything or anyone into ice. One unfortunate side affect was that he could never feel anything other than the cold ever again. A wrong he righted by killing the scientist who brought him back. But he makes up for this by keeping a happy disposition most of the time. But when push comes to shove he will do anything to protect what he holds dear. (Please let me know if his design and character are any good.)

  • Published April 16, 2019, 17:59
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Cool Pics
  • is continuable by others
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