ElkHouse did this as a prank or something soooooooo he says this will either be perm or just 1 month soo I hope it goes away after October. (vote if I should stay as a furry or not)
@Dominator_virus psht bro this a shitpost i just wanted to reveal geno vocal if you want me to post ur song ill make a higher effort drawing or something lol
@Dominator_virus deservedDominator_virus
@GreenHoodiedAnimator *dies*GreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus why do you like TITTIES so much?GOTTEM
@GreenHoodiedAnimator why do u like that gif sm-GreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus media.tenor.comDominator_virus
@GreenHoodiedAnimator :) reminding u <3Stanced
@Dominator_virus kGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced tyStanced
It sounds pretty cool oohDominator_virus
@GreenHoodiedAnimator uhh i doubt i can remember. just save the song in ur bookmarks or files.GreenHoodiedAnimator
@Stanced npGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus lol can you remind me in about a month xdive got a ton going on for like the next 6 weeks
thx I'll listen laterDominator_virus
@GreenHoodiedAnimator oh. u can post if u want, its ur song nowGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Dominator_virus psht bro this a shitposti just wanted to reveal geno vocal
if you want me to post ur song ill make a higher effort drawing or something lol
@Stanced kpaandorasbox.github.io
blocked D:can u send me the pandoras box link instead of tinyurl link pls
add my song- it counts-