Timid and curious, Mirad is one of the biggest creations of Wilson.
Real name being 12WJ. She's caring of her friends and generally
a very passive creation. Her effect is the Calming Effect:
If Mirad senses a very unstable emotion in a specimen,
(Ex. rage or depression) Mirad's eyes turn dark, and a specimen who has made eye contact, has a rapid state of neutrality settle in the specimen, as it is causing amnesia in the specimen. The effect is prolonged for as long as Mirad is intent on it. Once she stops, the effect lasts
for a while longer and goes out slowly, as she means for it to last as long as possible.
@Jackie_Boi xd, np.. (love your stuff)Jackie_Boi
@Snowyclawy thanksSnowyclawy
omg.. I WANT 2 GIVE A TROPHYxX_TakeA_GuessXx
@Jackie_Boi Yasss :"DJackie_Boi
@xX_TakeA_GuessXx aaa, hi, you got an account!!xX_TakeA_GuessXx
Beautiful :>Jackie_Boi
@ladiesman217 jesus christ, it's Satan.ladiesman217
I don't know why but he reminds me of the villain from All Dogs Go To Heaven 2Jackie_Boi
@sandyBeepis uvubee
I want to hug his floofJackie_Boi
@WolfHats thank you ^^satansassgremlin
dude this is AWESOME