warning meanstions of death and stuff kinda
when i die i want all of my body to be donated exept my heart and bones and i want my heart and bones to be sloppily half bahried(dig hole, put) in a little field an d i want daisys and flowers and clovers to be plaunted on me and i want my heart to be baried in the center and above my hear i watn a little plaugceg sighn thing that sayuid my name and when i born and die and i want tthe flowers to be daisys cus ithosue are my favorie floewver ::)
and i wabt random people to find my body and call the cops ever so offen cuz lijke thats funy (atlaest whe n im dead i mean like i wount really get any other funny things) like imahgine some renadom lady calling the cops cuz her dog dug up one of my hgalf baried dbones hahfga lol