Entry #1: Bloodbeasts

By _J_M_

Bloodbeasts, they’re the main species on this planet. As a Bloodbeast myself, I don’t claim to be a superior species. Almost none of us do. (I clarify this for the humans, as I’ve heard there was some form of war over this.) We simply, are the most populous. Bloodbeasts have ‘abilities’ which are caused by a section of a soul. Bloodbeasts tend to only be able to control certain types or specific atoms. But there are groups called “Overreachers” that tend to have a variety. I’ll explain the “Ability” rankings later in a different log. Along with the “Power” rankings aswell. Bloodbeasts are well-known for their rampant hunger for a fight. They tend to summon weapons to aid them. I, personally, have a cutlass. I will be explaining weapons later in a different log aswell. Blodbeasts have a regenerative ability that allow them to swiftly grow back entire limbs in less than a minute. Their head is composed of a skull, and unlike most creatures, the nervous system isn’t in the head. The skull is simply to support the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. The organ that their nervous system connects to is the same place their circulatory system connects. It’s one organ, and it’s called a ‘Soul’ in English. The soul is the one weak spot of the bloodbeast. It can’t regenerate the soul. So if you remove the soul from a blodbeast, it will die. And when a bloodbeast dies, It’s’ body becomes unstable, and the body turns into a blood-like ooze. Hence, the name ‘ BLOOD-beasts” There will be more logs on bloodbeasts besides the previously mentioned.

  • Published December 18, 2019, 15:53
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Lore
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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