
By Allen

I wish I was pure darkness. Light is wicked, we can't hide ourselves in it. It reveals our shape and colors, it's nothing but our worst enemy. If I was darkness, I would be able to comfort everyone while hiding myself at the same time. I don't want to die, I just don't want to own a body. They're useless. I don't want to be seen, just felt. I must be darkness, I mustn't occupy any space. People could hide in me, cry without feeling judged, or tell me their troubles through a whisper, because I'd be darkness. Darkness can't harm you. If I was darkness, I wouldn't feel or think anything. I would only need to listen to their troubles. My job would be embrasing them, keeping them safe, until they're ready to face the blinding light. Once my body dies, my consciousness will be stored in the darkness. You would be able to find me easily, just go away from the light, in the middle of the night, or a corner of your room. I will make sure you're not alone, exposed in the light of day.

  • Published October 03, 2024, 10:44
  • in The Swamp
  • in 6_Unrelated
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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