Doors Collab (desc)


So i am hosting the Doors collab, it is based off Hyun's Dojo doors collab and I would like to see how our stickfigure community compares to Hyuns Dojo. The international Dibs protocol is in play. Whoever calls dibs gets to be the next to add their part. If the part is not finished within 3 days that person will be skipped. that time gap may be subject to change since this is my first official Hosted collab on drawn. I will announce in the comments of the continued part who will be skipped (timeframe,cutting in line etc). you will also be skipped if you continue without being the first to say dibs. If you say dibs in the comments of the Continued part First then you may continue. You may do more than one part. if anyone has any questions or more clarification Pm me or just ask in the comments. Another thing Please MAKE SURE TO MAKE YOUR PARTS CONTINUABLE.

  • Published Published October 26, 2019, 22:01
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in TINGS
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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