Shut up Lin


Hey hi hello, it's me, yes, still here, somehow alive, suffocating under work and creative desires that are not being satiated. I haven't been active on here at all, so. Ahem. Sorry? BUT I see that the editor has got some epic new features, which I am thankful for. I might or might not be more active on Instagram, so. Heh. Lin got a redesign. I added a scar and changed up his colors... drastically. I also gave him some new outfits, but I guess those don't have to be consistent. I gave him an earring too, lmao. And I changed his hair. He's like a whole new man!! Or, teen. He's 17. Dunno if you can tell but I also changed my art style, so. That's nice. Uhh. Yeah. Edit (literally like a second after posting): sHIT I forgot his freckles. LOL I must be really tired rn

  • Published April 29, 2020, 16:05
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 02) 🎨
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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