i'm sorry,, announcement thing.

By teapup

i'm sorry for not posting any worth while art.. lately, all my inspiration has gone down the drain. I can't do anything, and I can't even touch my tablet without trying to throw it across the room. i'm so useless.. i just want to do nothing honestly. i hate myself a lot... just my art and everything about it. heck, i'm trying to find animation memes to do for youtube but i CANT. i'm so out of inspiration, my opinion is so high that i just don't like any of them and i'm just angry, annoyed and sad. i'm sorry, again, if i waste your time and if i post too much shit. i'm just that type of person. shit. thats it. so, i hope you have a much better day then i am right now. i'm extremely bored, i want to do something but i cant. i always feel like i need to do some art and it stresses me out!! so, just take care of urselfs. i hope you don't mind me saying this but i'm gonna take a break from drawn, its just that i have no meaning going on here if i can't even post art or anything good. art block has hit hard.. and it might not go away for a while. it's been 2+ months since i posted on my youtube, so i hope i'm not gone for that long on here. i might check back for notifs, but thats it. maybe 1 or 2 updates here and there. i love u all. thank you <33

  • Published July 19, 2019, 14:35
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in doodles
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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