Character contest entry @CameraID


So here's my entry for this contest: Info on Sput: -real name: Alix Luna Lander -codename: Sput (short for sputnik) -gender: Non-binary (they/them) -occupation: local teenage prankster Likes- lemon flavored/sour candy, crappy movies about alien invasions, tattoos (wants a real one when they're old enough), star gazing/astronomy, fireflies, dirt biking dislikes- chocolate, reading old books, boring people, school, being on earth, pop music Sput's biggest dream/secret is that they want to become a real alien someday, or at the very least meet some before they die. They get bored very easily, given that they're from a small town w/ next to nothing to do. So they like to create various forms of pranks as a way to make life more entertaining (tho some of the pranks could use some work). Anyway, hope yall and @CameraID like this!

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