I was at a friends house one day. And suddenly, he looks at me and goes. `` Hey you hear that?`` Me being a deaf dummy goes; `` No what was it?`` And he blinked at me like I was dumb, then he turns to the others. `` Did you guys?`` and they nod, so finally I hear it the second time and we all say `` What was that?!`` Also, non adults were home. So we walk out and my friend tells me to check it out, and once I got to the door, I peeked out and I saw an old man, me being a total scaredy cat ran to my friends and whispered. `` Its an old man!`` And the eldest of us-- lets call him Ronnie, not gonna say his realy name, he was 17. And walked to the door, he opened it and the old man tried to grab him and Ronnie slammed the door shut. Once the adults got home, we all told them what happened and they said. `` That was the man, who was watching our dogs..`` anddd we kinda felt bad so we went and apologized XD

  • Published March 05, 2019, 21:18
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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