AYOOOO Guess who's getting out of the 14-year-old group!!?!/1/1/1?!??! <:') ok sorry
So hey I'm no longer 14 anymore yay. Im 15 uwu
--- About the Art ---
So like I said this is a Birthday gift to myself uwu yes halos I like drawing halos alot! omg owo I went for the rainbow background because I think it needed color and stuff. Aesthetic in my view.
----- Art itself -----
Time Taken: about an hour
characters used: Midnight (Myself)
Midnight belongs to me
Current follow count: 150
Instagram: Midnight_Beatrix_uwu
me when I get hit by a semiTheBoiRaine
@ItJustSticks hell yeahhhhTheBoiRaine
@Simblime aTheBoiRaine
@drumcat oh god...ItJustSticks
yooooo time to get op!Simblime
oh no i died guess i better start a harem now