my username explained!!


so basically, I was in a hospital for a week, (a mental ward), and I made some great friends there, here's the story:

it was the second movie night, and I was having what call a "hyper fit" where I get insanely freaking hyper and run around really fast and talk a million miles a minute and can't calm down easily.
my friends were laughing their asses off because I was doing a thing where each of them write down a random word and I would combine all three and draw it. the other things I drew aren't important, but this one is: Trevor wrote "ass", Maddy wrote "satan", and Chrissy wrote "gremlin", I drew these together, and it turned out as me being shat out of satan as a baby, with gremlin characteristics. therefore, I am satan's ass gremlin
hope you enjoyed this fun fact :)

  • Published Published December 12, 2020, 14:26
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
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