she's one of Evan's co-workers and friends. daughter of Josephine, Mira, and Galaxy. Her girlfriend's/wife's name is Marnie. She, Evan, Marnie, Liam(her cousin), and the arch-demon all went to college together and then took over the arch-demon's father's business and also expanded it. Except for Liam, but I'll mention that later. now, any ideas for what the business does? I say it should either be accounting or designing cool stuff. also, yeah, amelia is part angel/demon/pixie/nymph but the angel part is dominant as it comes from both of her biological parents.
(also, while I was making this, drawn went down for me for a few hours. I couldn't get onto it at all on either of my devices)
same wfivpwre♠Memənt0-Möri
@Keibo HOW DARE (+,,+)Keibo
@♠Memənt0-Möri i stole it♠Memənt0-Möri
how u know how my car looks? \\(***,,,***)\\