i have a few questions


A) Do you ever go on spotify to listen to one song of a certain vibe, but it shuffles, so its a completely different song with a completely different vibe, but you're like, "well, I actually love this vibe!" cause that's where I am right now.
B) what are some problems that can come up with a government. i have one, but I need problems cause rebellions are cool.
C) how are you doing?
D) do you ever have a really messy room, but one thing is immaculate because you just organised it because yu were bored?
E)fav color?
F) favorite book/movie/tv show
G) what do you miss the most
H) opinion on nail polish?
I) longest your hair has ever been?
J) are you very forgetful?
K) fav word?
L)finally the song I wanted to listen to came on. Do you listen to the concert version of a song or recording studio?
M)fav weather?
N)favorite word?
O)zosiac sign?
P)do I deserve sushi?
Q)favorite knick knack
R) fav song?
S) names you hate?
T)phone or computer?
U) who are yu?
V) who inspires you?
W) favorite myth?
X) favorite god?
Y) favorite pattern
Z) what s one mistake you wish you could take back?

Comments 12

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@PhinSilver WHAT!!! I can't wait to see


@Star_The_Meergon i actually might be drawing more right now!!


@Star_The_Meergon well. i'll have to actually draw it/animate it


@PhinSilver How is it not as sad?


@Star_The_Meergon and it's not as sad as you think