story part eleven: Graffiti


Phin enjoyed waking up early in the morning and coming here. Here was a graffiti wall next to an art park. He had left a few thingsthere. flowers, dolphins, cats. He enjoyed painting a lot. he also enjoyed watchingthe sunset slowly break across the sky as he sat on one of the chairs, sometimes doing homework. He smiled at his first sketching of graffiti. It was a green and purple flower.He had spent a lot of time making the stencil. He wandered further into the art park. up ahead was a weird statue of a mother holding a baby, but she was on her head. It was fairly new. The art park wasalways changing around. There were some hedges that had been cut to resemble dinosaurs playing, a giant cat made out of branches that you could walk through, and a lot more. Phin loved it here. As the skywas yellow and blue, he heard a noise behind him. He ignored it, thinking that it was maybe just another art admirer. But then everything went dark. Someone pulled something in front of his face and dragged him. He tried to struggle, or shapeshift, but he couldn't move. He was thrown somewhere into a moving vehicle and he was gone. ----- do i smell plot?

  • Published March 12, 2020, 05:26
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Gefigem
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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