I was cringe in 2018/2019


seriously I look at my old stuff and it physically hurts, I've been deleting a few of my cringiest posts, such as the one where I made a fucking public announcement about an old user on here, my friend, who was suicidal.
like, why the fuck. would I do that. wtf was wrong with me in 7th grade.
those types of things are best dealt with in private, in a comforting, nonjudgmental environment.
also all those "OMG!!!!1!! DESC!!!" posts make me physically screech because it would be something dumb like "go like my last post"

this is why I want to make a new account to disassociate from my past self, because I was so. cringe. oh my god I literally hate this because I love the fan arts and stuff I got for this account but. all the ickiness. also I don't wanna lose all my followers, or the good memories. ig I'll just stick around?? idk. altho im so happy I was able to change my username bc wolfhats represents a long gone part of me, when I would where a wolf hat to school every day and get bullied for it, but I would keep doing it anyway, ig I didn't want to change myself for others? but I haven't worn that hat in ages, I don't even know where it is. this is all stuff from my past. also I still get bullied, but I try not to let it hurt me anymore. like shut the fuck UP its not my fault im autistic, no I will not stop being a furry just because you say it's cringe, yes I have weird eating habits, but I can't control them
anyway im ranting so bye

  • Published Published December 10, 2020, 20:36
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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