photoshop idea


Okay, so I'm gonna photoshop a character sprite, but we must have the basis for our character. So here's what we're gonna do: you're gonna give me 1-2 objects and/or adjectives for each of these: Head: can of spam Eyes: red googly eyes Nose: dark red plastic stuffed animal nose Mouth: Rubber band Hair: bunch of popcorn shaped into an afro Torso: hourglsss torso with a live heart on the inside Arms: inflatable tube guys, one arm red and the other arm blue Legs: somesort of wheel/wheels for the legs Clothes: (can have 1-3 here) Accessory: Personality: neon green, bomb You can put anything, including numbers, colors, textures, normal human, or if you want an empty space (like no head, but the eyes are floating) enter "missing", if you just want nothing there (so eyes are repositioned to another part of them) say "none"

  • Published December 25, 2021, 22:10
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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