peee pee

By iababa

i had a dream that went from real life to a show in a sick cartoony style so i tried drawing it when i woke up and it looks like worthikid's style lmao

still looks cool but aint really what it looked like in the dreaaaam :<<<
also it would be a sick idea to turn the dreams plot into a comic (i wanna say cartoon but i dont think my brain would handle that) bc damn that was a banger of a dream and could be even more awesome with refinement

also school starts again in 10 days for me and god im freakin out i didnt do anything at all sadfdsavcxazgsbga it went by so fast i didnt start commissions uGH

but i did earn money from me parents and my friend so das gewd B)

  • Published Published January 19, 2021, 20:27
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in doodles and bobs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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