@WolfHats ok welp maybe it would be better to ask someone like mixjestiic because they had the same problem before. i havent had the problem before so i cant help.
@WolfHats ok i copy pasted this from discord FOR WACOM USERS: 1) Make sure Driver is up to date. 2) Open the "Wacom Desktop Center" software program. 3) Click on your connected tablet under DEVICES. ("Wacom Tablet Properties" will open.) 4) Click on the MAPPING tab. 5) Click "+" next to APPLICATION. (found at top of screen.) 6) Choose the internet browser you use for Toonator(in this case Drawn). 7) Make sure PEN is selected under MODE. Uncheck "Use Windows Ink."
@RotorMoil ok thenRotorMoil
@WolfHats ok welp maybe it would be better to ask someone like mixjestiic because they had the same problem before. i havent had the problem before so i cant help.satansassgremlin
@RotorMoil i cant find the desktop centerRotorMoil
@WolfHats ok i copy pasted this from discordFOR WACOM USERS:
1) Make sure Driver is up to date.
2) Open the "Wacom Desktop Center" software program.
3) Click on your connected tablet under DEVICES. ("Wacom Tablet Properties" will open.)
4) Click on the MAPPING tab.
5) Click "+" next to APPLICATION. (found at top of screen.)
6) Choose the internet browser you use for Toonator(in this case Drawn).
7) Make sure PEN is selected under MODE. Uncheck "Use Windows Ink."
@RotorMoil yeah i did thatRotorMoil
@WolfHats make sure its the most recent tablet driver downloadedsatansassgremlin
@RotorMoil intuos CTL-490RotorMoil
wait what type of tablet is it