In this dream, I was in school. But my school was 10 times bigger. It was supposedly first period (animation 1) so I wandered around trying to find it. I got sidetracked and went to go look for my friend who didn’t go to this school, but my old one. I found a girl that I knew from my old school named Emmet. I asked her where he could be because I knew he and her were friends in my old school. She surprisingly knew where he was so she brought me to him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t him. Very disappointed, I thanked her for her help and set off trying to find my first period class. At this time walking period was over, so I was considered late. I rushed around classrooms for what seemed like long hours. I went from the J to the B wing, the school still seemingly getting bigger. Shortly it became nighttime. I found myself in the library, shuffling around between dark desks trying to find my way out. I see this girl who I thought I knew, she looked like she was going insane in her chair. It was very graphic and I couldn’t bare to watch much. But I myself began to feel my mind twist in a way that I’ve never felt before, I felt like my body wasn’t mine anymore. My brain felt fried and twisted, I couldn’t think. I ran around the library, running towards the wall with the nearest window. I remember this next part very vividly, I pounced up onto some drawers that were holding files, knocking over the stacked up trophy cases that lied beside it. When I heard the crash, that girl I saw earlier looked up from her seat. In a fiery brainless panic I broke the window, I must’ve been on a high story or something because the window had a serious drop from the ground. on impact, I smashed my entire body into the concrete. I felt nothing, my body rolled under a nearby car, and then suddenly I was snapped back into my house, I felt delusional and cross eyed. I wasn’t in my right mind, still. my room was broken, tattered, and colorless. The window was boarded up and the door had multiple chains on it. I heard faint and swirly whispering from outside my bedroom door. Two men were seemingly talking about me. Then suddenly I was in the livingroom. I felt my body revving up to sprint or something, to do an action to say the least. i couldn’t control my own body, neither could my mind. I felt like I was in 3rd person. Suddenly, I saw what looked like my father. My body ran and crashed into him. He screamed saying things like, “get back, get back” “down!” “I have a weapon!” And my body did just that, it cowered away from him in fear. I then felt my lips move, and I supposedly said, “the windshanes scare me”. My father said back, “nonsense, its okay. They do not exist. BA” I then wondered, did people call me BA in this world? This dream honestly makes no sense to me.
And thats basically all I remember, which seems like a lot, but I bet you, its only a quarter of what it was.