this is my um new sans fangirl oc


her name is vnssae (pronounced Vanessa) she's sands understable oc um shes prety and cute and i know you wanna marry her but shesk taken by shands underpaby so if you tiych yher youre hconnga have a REALLY BAD TIME vnssae/14/dont touch tail/half demon/ half angel/ Werewolf fox/ half water fairy/ haft fire frairy/ bes nice to boys and never cries ORIGINAL CAHCARVCTER DO NOT STEALN IT PLEASE@!!! OR I WILL NDO A KILLING VIVDR ABLIYT YOU ON YOUTUBE11!!!!!1111 (I am very sorry about this, I swear I'm okay. feel free to unfollow me for this I completely understand lmACKo)

  • Published April 07, 2020, 18:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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