world history, exept I made it up.

By Kat143

so yes, backstory nobody asked for, but wanted to share anyways. so basically Kat and all his friends live on a planet, right, and get this, it's ALWAYS night, they did't even know they had a sun until they got into space about 20 years ago, because they don't orbit it, they're actually floating away from it, the two moons are actually pulling it away, and their entire half of the planet hasn't seen daylight in nearly 10 billion years or something, the plants all evolved to use as little light as possible, nightblooms are considered a weed here. also, they can see two other planets who have evolved at about the same pace as theirs, you thought WE had an intense space race? they're all trying to build a "megacruiser" (Chip calls his planet's "the great ferry") and visit the other planets, they've all communicated and are peaceful, so there probably won't be any invasions, but the only people that have been to other planets are people who were jettisoned and were lucky enough to land on something with air quick enough. so yes, space and other planets, they have magic, but have explored very little until recently, most of the population on Kat's planet are in the one city. (If anyone wants more, I'm happy to supply.) Edit: any and all weaponry hasn't really evolved past medeval, since everybody lives in the same city, and a good government developed relatively quickly.

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