

The thing with Terraria is that none of the bosses have personality. I can't even remember how the mechanic npc was like sjwwhwhsww so I guessed that the Lunatic Cultist boss is persistent and that he changes his mind alot,, he also uses formal language and is overall pretty mean
I also named the mech "Autumn" cuz why not lol
Like idk
Just,, lemme copy+paste some stuff from lunatic and mechanic in this fanfic I'm writing
"With a grunt, he shut his journal, not caring for the typo he made. Without saying a word, he slipped the book under his chair and stood back up. "Now, where did I put my robe..." He walked around the room until he found his regular outfit folded neatly. It was dark blue, laced with golden lines around the edges. Many layers on this robe have protected him from the Corruption's cold for so, so long. He layed it out on his desk, ever-so carefully. Being sure there were no tears or dust, he slipped it on, over his head. His grayish-white hair was a mess from the friction. "Not again. Are you kidding me?" He said as he took a comb and brushed his hair. /knotted. again. When was the last time he had brushed? He was so busy, that he forgot to care for himself, again! Believe it or not, he does this a bunch./"
"She thought he had changed his mind for a minute. Yet, just as she backed against another wall, he lunged at her. Startled, Autumn gave out an ear-piercing shriek. Without a word, the Cultist kept quickly and forcefully trying to stab her. "No! Please, stop this!" Another scream came from her. He had dug the knife into her shoulder. He had a tough time trying to get it out, and she took this to her advantage. She shoved him off and made a mad dash for the stairs. "Gah... where did she... up the stairs? Really...?" The Cultist got up and ran after her, cussing under his breath as he gave chase."
I don't like the pacing.,, cuz it goes from tired zealot getting mad over a typo straight to stabby mc.gee
Whatever I'm not good at fanfics B)

Comments 8

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@XEclipse Lolololol Ok then >:)


I was the taking creature that takes things let it be known that I am the taking creature :>


@Kailey_Kat Lol thank you owowowo


@Small_Radishes woah noice story line


@Big-Fish Thank you uwuwu


@Kailey_Kat Lol i dunno it was some idea i had.
this kid gets taken by these creatures, and then when she grows up she has to teach her kids how to escape from them


Good animate there!!


woah this is cool!!!

but wait whats happening here?!? its so... suspenseful aaaaaa