

just a quick character ref. warning!!! stuff about sexual abuse ahead!! dont read ahead if you think it may make you uncomfy!!!! pepper is an anxious nonbinary teen that comes from an abusive rich family. they're also a thief and they like to handle guns. pepper cries a lot from stressing out about stupid shit, their mind is always going a mile a fucking minute. they ran away from home out of fear of being arrested for robbing someone's house. pepper made 2 friends when he ditched his home, evidona and nigel. evidona likes to graffiti stuff a lot, and id go into more detail about what she does specifically but id need to explain a bunch of bullshit about the dystopian world they live in. evidona's not really that bad, but she is a troublesome teen who condones peppers actions. nigel, on the other hand, is a sex offender and has a huge crush on pepper. too,,,, much of a crush. hed get too touchy with pepper and would make them uncomfy all the time. nigel would take any opportunity to grope or touch pepper inappropriately, and pepper didnt speak up often. they mostly just tried to express through body language, like pushing nigel's hand away and showing displeasure around him, that they werent interested. nigel doesnt notice these signs often and persists in his actions. pepper has a soft spot for nigel, but they are definitely not ready to be in a sexual relationship with him, hence pepper being reluctant to push nigel away too much. eventually, this leads to nigel straight up raping pepper. a month or so after the incident, pepper let it slip to evidona and, although she had never intervened much in their struggles because she didnt want to bug them, she flipped the fuck out this time. nigel had obviously gone too far. nigel got an earful and a big gallon of shame over the incident. pepper didnt talk to him for awhile, and evidona was constantly trying to lighten the mood at least a bit, but it always ended badly. after a few weeks pass, and things were still quiet and stiff between them, pepper had a serious conversation with nigel, they made up, and they became friends again. slowly, they started to warm up to one another again. they cautiously engaged in a relationship. they took things very slow. nigel made sure to not fuck up /too/ often and slowly, after a few years, they managed to build a decent healthy relationship. im gonna go make refs for a few other characters but, im not finished with all the plot i just wrote, theres a few things that need added or fixed so spare me fghgjwj

  • Published November 20, 2018, 19:38
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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