A word of advice

By Frost

Recap on these: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/ws6ypp & https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/zf9c5c If you have a fear of being reported, banned, or blocked then you're either toxic, immature, or rude and KNOW that you're one or all of those things, then stop making posts that could get you in trouble or spare accounts (or both). I've been accused of things and falsely labeled by people who were actually the things they called me. Thas something people and not myself should work on. If you publicly post about someone and call them out (such as people have done towards/about me) then that's disrespectful and could cause a crash in losing friends because they listened to you and not the one you've accused. But instead of privately messaging each other TRYING to resolve, YOU, the one calling out, are making things worse for the one called out. And sometimes there's even false proof, so stop considering making people look bad. It's mean. Drawn is seriously turning into Toonator imo, and it's really annoying. If you're toxic, then just accept if you get banned, blocked, or reported rather than continue to make situations worse. And if you DON'T pm the person you're thrashing out on and post public things about them... why aren't you looking at yourself and realizing that you're a problem. There have been too many side choosing's, and anon posts, and who knows what where people have agreed that other users are a "problem". Big bruh moment for me -.- ,,, we're on the internet, which DOESN'T mean we should bully, accuse, or betray anyone. Just grow up already. The world's in a big enough as it is mess already than it should be. Not trying to be rude, but I'm down right tired of this all. Just please stop. I would like to also apologize for all the blank posts, but sometimes it's for the best...

  • Published January 05, 2021, 10:39
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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