Holy's Dreadful Contest!


Whoopiedeedoo ladies and gentlemen its time for my first SPONSORED CONTEST, Here at the Dreadful Team; We strive to promote our small project as much as possible, in hopes to drive people to our passion work, As such, We personally felt it was time we finally did some promotional work. (Contest Information) Come up with a concept that fits the dreadful theme, it could literally be anything; Mutant, faction, character, etc; Be as creative as possible. For those that find it troubling to create a piece, perhaps writing is an alternative that we will also look over, the only rules are that they must fit the DRAWN TOS, (e.g no Nsfw, overly excessive gore, ETC) For details on more indepth guides to Dreadful, visit our official handle, Good luck. #DreadfulContest Fast Link : https://drawn.digifi.ca/account/Dreadful

  • Published October 17, 2020, 01:18
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Dreadful
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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