Uh ok...


So I'm just gonna @ClaytonR this because It's a big deal.. So I was doing one of these:https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/47i4m8 And found out how someone could possibly steal work as there own. Ok, so I was doing the checklist and then published it. I realized I forgot a section of it and then continued my animation and hid the one that was not complete. I finished the checklist and published it. It didn't say "this animation was continued off this one". I know Mods can look at your hidden album, but what if the mods didn't catch this in the future when the site goes public? It's probably not a big deal but this kind-of concerns me... I hope that made sense...

  • Published April 27, 2019, 23:36
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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