gonna get backlash


Aaaand I dont care! Im posting this in anon cause im sick of loosing followers over my opinions. I have a reason to hate Christians. The only ones that ive ever met are rude and hateful and have pushed their religion on me to the point of mental abuse. So, yeah. Straight up have a phobia of the religion. "buT Im ChrIStIan AnD Im nIcE" ok.. sure you are, sure. No one believes you. With every single goddamn christian i have met, i try talking about my beliefs with them because i trust them. And there and then they attack me. Ive met those who say "if i run into a satanist then they'll have a black eye lol." Haha, ok. Everyone in my family is like this except for a few who im not allowed to talk to. I get pissy if they say ONE vague line from the bible. If they say any verse, say "Oh my god", anything like that. And i get attacked for getting annoyed? Ok. Sure. Go ahead and disown me because im FUcKING SCARED TO DEATH of shitty, abusive christians. I dont think its okay to say ANYTHING from your 200 year old bible in PUBLIC. especially since NO ONE wants to hear your ridiculous verses. Its straight up RUDE when i ask someone POLITELY to stop. They keep on going anyway. Then they wonder why i want to fucking hit them?? What the fuck is wrong with their heads?? I know satanists aren't any better (take me for example) but hoo boy im not allowed to say or do ANYTHING because of my retarded family Scream at me and get offended, i dont care. Im not allowed to practice my beliefs because of my STUPID christian family.

  • Published June 23, 2019, 14:40
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
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