guess im just sick


i need to go to hospital, need to have pills shoved down my throat need to be put down because everything has been all in my head for the last 16 on and off years and nothings real. ill always be lied to, gaslighted, treated like a retard. everyones wearing a mask around me, and im trusting the wrong people and im jumping to conclusions and ill never, never be able to trust anyone ever again. i bet my own girlfriend just fucking pities me and forgot about me after not hanging out for a year and just deals with me because i gave her money and gave her and her boyfriend a place to have sex. im a fucking. tool. thats all i ever have been and ill still be used after i die. back to the original plan, where i fucking die and make a point to my parents that my siblings will face the same fate if theyre treated the same as i was.

  • Published February 23, 2020, 13:41
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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