Originally it was going to be simple, no colored animation at the beginning but I took the extra step because i thought it'd look nicer. As for the backgrounds, despite how janky they look to the show itself, I'm quite proud of the result. I deliberately made it hard to see in the second part for obvious reasons, though my personal favorite part is right at the end.
And let me tell you, when I was most of the way done, something happened when I tried to move my tab to the TV to see the animation clearer, it glitched out and most of my layers were gone so I had to redo all of my progress. (Luckily I was 80 percent done to begin with.)
Speaking of which, I would have lipsynced more to the music after the cutoff I used, however the animation was already becoming so large/laggy so I didn't want to risk it breaking again, or the animation taking too long to load.
So here it is!
Yes, this did come out of nowhere but I've been animating this over the course of... 2 or 3 days? I believe? Though I don't know how many hours i put into it, all I know is for 2 or 3 days the moment I got home I worked on this until around midnight whenever I had the motivation.
Apologies on rambling, I'd just like to explain why this animation turned out the way it did.
And mainly inspired by:
@Big-Fish oh no!Big-Fish
@WolfHats *distant evil laughing*satansassgremlin
@Big-Fish oh ok im worried about my notification center it will get slammed so hard!Big-Fish
@WolfHats I will like the majority when I get on my laptop tomorrow cause this phone has much lag..And maybe somma Kailey_Kat's too.
@Big-Fish that would be quite a lot of likes i think you gotten about half now!Kailey_Kat
@WolfHats oh yassatansassgremlin
@Kailey_Kat it was beautiful :sniffle:Big-Fish
@WolfHats oh wow thank you again!!!! And I haven't liked all your posts, yet. >:)Kailey_Kat
@WolfHatsm e m e
r e v i e w
@Kailey_Kat meme review lol!@Big-Fish uwu i might do some fanart when i have free time!
nwn wow big thank you!!!!Kailey_Kat
YES THEY DO @big-fishU GET A MEME REVIEW CLAP steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net