Origin Story


story time boyz: In WW2 soldiers would often loose limbs cuz of infections or explosions. So doctors wanted to come up with a type of serum that allows the body detach its limbs whenever it wants. This would make it easier for soldiers to fight. But ofc like every experiment it needs to be tested. That's where xEclipse comes in (My character). Government officials kidnapped her at the age of 17 and took her to the testing labs. Doctors said if she participated in the experiment she will be granted freedom. If she didn't comply she and her whole family would be shot. So she agreed. After the injection there were serious side effects. Which caused her blood to turn gold/yellow. Doctors wanted to test if the injection worked. So they tortured her by cutting off limbs. The experiment was a success when her limbs re-attached themselves. Unfortunately this caused severe psychological effects on her brain and she was deemed insane. She was put into a mental asylum, but was let out when she was considered sane....or was she?

  • Published December 08, 2018, 13:30
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Unholyness
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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