i dont want all these stupid restrictions. its annoying. and all of this, it doesnt help my mental state. i am watched. i am restricted. i just want to do ONE thing. just one. and thats use discrd. but they wont let me. they will never let me. because im "young and unprotected" and they cant "control what people say." i dont care. i dont fuckikng care what you fucking think. i just want to have more that only like, 3 fucking friends. fuck you. i wish my family didnt fucking care about what other people say. i wish i could talk to more varieties of people. but theyre watching me. and they wont let me do shit. they even have RULES for making friends. the ysay "they cant swear, they must obey the rules, they must not be naughty, and they must like the lord." fuck you. fuck you and your god shit. i dont fucking care. your not heping with your bible bullshit. i just want to not be os lonely. and you know that. but its like you dont fucking care. fuck you.
@RiftyMinh thankRiftyMinh
@TheMaineAnimator DOIT
@drumcat then stop messaging me thendrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator doit
@drumcat betdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator then do itTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat i coulddrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator like you could do betterBionicle.exe
not bad