It is @!AJD! with all the punctuation included
If you still wanna see my stuff, follow me there instead of here... and, btw, I am still probably gonna post a little on here but it will most likely all be trash,, ima try and make more quality animations & art on my new one.
soooo see ya B)
@CagedRaven *hissssss* my good boye ;(((( @sandyBeepis ye S the jawline is on fleek ;)))) @AnonymousTiger5 indeed childAnonymousTiger
what a good boibee
i need that jaw lineI NEED THAT JAW LINE
@Kailey_Kat YE S MY GOOD BABY BO YKailey_Kat
screee thIS GOOD BOYEXEclipse
@Anadroj-B-J *Intense sobbing noises* me too!!!Anadroj-B-J
Aww I love him so much! 💗XEclipse
@Paranormal_Chaos Indeed he mega cutie