Sneak Peek + Art/Vent


Art: Yooooo I've practicing drawing hands for 2 weeks now and I'm surprised- like wow.. kinda happy and I've also realized that my old drawings.. I went from 2018 -> to this 2021 -> ---- Like wth.. I'm happy. I thought that my art style never change but I guess it has. / / / / Sneak Peek: I'm gonna Finish Frisk later on tomorrow after school ends. If you have any suggestions on who else you want me to draw please put them here -> . . Small note: If you're struggling with your art or even disliking it, just please practice and please be patient. I know this is the most common advice in the category of Art but, it seriously took me about 3 years to get on where I am now. I'm not saying that because I'm just saying it but because I've experienced this. (and still is)

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