Hey you guys


I just wanted to say thank you to those of y'all who rlly listen to my rants about my life and all of those here who care about me. Y'all rlly don't know how much of a safe and happy place this is for me. I'm realizing I have more friends than I thought, but there's maybe 3 I can rlly go to to talk abt stuff like this, and one of them it's about, so- but yeah. Thank y'all. It feels rlly good to get appreciative and advice comments, and I appreciate everything y'all tell me. I'm on edge of giving up rn, as there is more going on than I've talked abt, but I appreciate all of y'all here for me when I'm down. Just wanted to say that. Also Clayton, thanks for the amazing website u created and brought to us, because it truly is one of my happiest places to be. :0

  • Published December 01, 2023, 10:01
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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