im sad,cause the one person than loved me cheated me whit other. i want a person than love me, but nobody love's me. yes,im a crybaby whit this teme, and you probably are saying "continue whit the life" or "keep going",but i can't. not until i find someone who loves me. oh well. im still sad.
@red_nose it just,, is :) aaa have to go to school now, bye!red_nuts
@Small_Radishes ty !!sonia
szdxfcgvhbjkkmnbgvcfdxszwaq2222223w-4ertfyguhikjlmbut this is amazingπ§ΞππΞπ«
@red_nose My sister s would be reanacting the scenes from steven universe like hey im rose quartzred_nuts
@valdezorozcoe my favorite villain would have to be jasper lmaoπ§ΞππΞπ«
Omg she is my fab Steven universe villain characterAnd I LOVE HER ACCENT!!!
@RoadKill ff aa thanks <3RoadKill
this is so pretty whwjwjhgwgjwhred_nuts
@Samwiched ty!!Samwiched
I actually really like this!! :00 I love the colours and the shading too! <3 ^^