So I have a suggestion!

By _J_M_

So, Eraser opacity. If you don’t know what I mean by that, think of the layer opacity. Well, the lines, when set to an opacity under 100, will show lines beneath it, and can result in new colors. For instance, A red dot on top of a yellow dot. If you change the opacity of the red dot, the yellow dot becomes more visible, and mixes with the red to make orange (Technically it makes all colors between yellow and red that have the same tone). Well. We can already-somewhat do line opacity. But we can’t really do eraser opacity very well.
Now that I’m thinking about it, both the line and eraser opacity are a little difficult to do, but I could presume they could function on the same concept- Anyway, With eraser opacity, it allows for you to only erase part of the opacity away from a line. Say you want a line to be faded, but putting it on another layer would either be a massive hassle, or it would mess up the drawing. Well, with eraser opacity, you could change the opacity of the line by erasing it. A low eraser opacity erases less, so it would keep most of the color,and could allow for you to keep said line on the same layer. Eraser opacity would also be good for smoother blending. I can give an example here, if my explaining is inadequate. But, if you have a low eraser opacity, and you erase over the line once, it loses some opacity, erase over the line again, it looses more opacity. If you did this to an area of color, but the more you got towards one edge, the more opacity you erased, then you could make a smooth fade. This could be useful for shading, as it allows for us to have a shading layer that “Blends” into the lower layers color, and allows for us to change the lower layer’s color and get the same blending effect.
Anyways, what do you all think of this suggestion?

  • Published Published March 22, 2020, 12:19
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Suggestions
  • is not continuable by others
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