I learned some new words


today. Disclaimer : this is a political rant, so if you don't care for these sorts of things, then carry on. So, I learned of a few terms today- "Super Strait" and "Skoliosexual" which- If you don't know what they mean- I'll give a brief rundown: Super straight : someone who is only attracted to cisgender individuals of the opposite sex. Skoliosexual : Someone who is only attracted to Trans and/or non-binary people. I found this out because a lot of people are mad at the guy who coined the term "Super straight", as it sounds transphobic. though, from my understanding, The guy who coined the term, coined it as a joke. but as people do: They got mad, which brought it to the attention of people. and then, some people took it seriously, identifying as it. Now listen, I, Myself, Technically fit the definition of super straight. Before you ask why I wouldn't date a trans person, I have a simple answer: I plan to raise a family. Seriously, that's it. I just want a family. But- I still think the term is stupid. But after I see people flipping out over that, then I learn about Skoliosexual, which, Seems to be the antonym of "Super straight". which, I get why it exists- but it seems just as stupid as "super straight " to me, but then again I don't get paid enough to care about what people are attracted to. Anyway, sorry for the deterioration of the rant at the end, I lost my train of thought. Have a wonderful today and a wonderful tomorrow!

  • Published March 09, 2021, 15:02
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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@simblime yes sorry