Welcome to McCrusters


We have a celebrity of items on our shelve units. What processed and diseased food parcels would you like to consume today? Skittermeal Bic Mag Bees Churger Five gray burgers and gay (with a side of 5 guys stuffed with fries) Russel Hartley Shartin’-Shint burger Squid nuggets Half baked beanbag with a side of jacket sacks Oil or boil bruhmate burger Or on the special menu: Bellygut Buster Burger Maoway Milk gourmet Kankles & Ankles deluxe special combo Rusty Rats and Paper Bats (served with a side of mystery dip) And finally, Grandma’s homemade diarrheart cookies. Baked with extra love. What would you like to order?

  • Published July 19, 2021, 18:18
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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